Getting into dirts, becoming a citizen. Interview with Dino Nedelko
Different countries, different continents, different experiences and different stories. A lot of differences and a few things in common. But look at the ones in common! Young age, love for network marketing, above average skills, creating personal brand and...
Read moreMLM stories. Charismatic leader and his role in business
Experiencing once with psychedelic substances Steve Jobs or joining the brigade of his workers John Davison Rockefeller, are two of many examples of original and extraordinary businessmen. Each of them was also a charismatic leader. But what is charisma...
Read morePaths arise while walking. Interview with Gabi Steiner
Gabi Steiner, Network Marketing legend from Germany. Millionaire, speaker, author of three MLM business books including the famous "PERSON TO PERSON". A woman fulfilled in her private and professional life. She lives in Florida, where she has devoted herself...
Read moreSimple ways to start a successful business
All beginnings are difficult. In business general, also in network marketing. You can start taking your first steps in business quickly or slowly, depending on how you decide. When you learn more about the nature of products offered by...
Read moreCANTIENICA: body in evolution. Interview with Benita Cantieni
Benita Cantieni is a person who has a real story to tell. And it is something for everyone, because all of us should care about our health. It is the story about CANTIENICA®.
Read moreThey think big: Julia Lindvall and Mark Mael
Julia Lindvall and Mark Mael are a couple who always look forward. They have successes and achievements, but above all they have ambition. They want to develop their business and, what gives them extra energy, is the fact that...
Read moreLife Balance Congress – news coverage
What time it was! Big network marketing names, charismatic speakers, 2000+ in the audience, fascinating topics, the extraordinary atmosphere of PTAK Warsaw Expo and an incredible dose of unconventional knowledge. The Life Balance Congress was an event during which,...
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