The shrinking labor market, the development of IT, and the free movement of workers within the European Union make educated people with unique skills a strategic resource for every enterprise, country and economy.
At the same time, it is impossible to identify any profession today that would guarantee getting and keeping a job in the future. We have to accept the fact that in the course of our professional career we will not only change the place of residence as a result of changing the place of employment, but also the profession. We will keep the sense of security not from the fact of the prospect of employment throughout life, but from the awareness of our own abilities, because enterprises emerge and disappear, while experience and expertise remain. Ranking MLM will cover this topic for you in today’s article.
It’s a world that’s changing
In a post-industrial society, special emphasis is placed on teamwork. Flexible production systems, the use of IT (which makes the provision of work independent of the time and place of its execution), leaning of the organization and restructuring are in force. The personnel issues that arise from the point of view of a person looking for a job or offering their services are primarily: customer orientation, multi-professionalism, flexible forms of employment and remuneration, group work, audit, outsourcing, outplacement, coaching and knowledge management.
The most significant changes come down mainly to changes in the state and structure of employment. First of all, the proportions between permanent full-time employment and temporary, part-time employment. Contracts of mandate, internship contracts and contracts with temporary employment agencies are becoming more and more popular. The basis of employment becomes specific tasks, undertakings, orders and not, as in the past, full-time jobs, which leads to a reduction in the number of jobs and fixed part-time employment.
What effect does this have on each of us?
The answer is simple. Whether we like it or not, we have to take into account the fact that our professional career will not be linear. It is very likely that there will be (and already are) moments when we will be forced to retrain many times, to continuously broaden our competences (even though we have quite good education), and to deal with temporary unemployment (career break) in personal and financial terms.
There are several theories about how to take advantage of a forced labor break, but you have to live off something yourself and sometimes support your family. If the profits from previous work were high enough and we have demonstrated financial intelligence, we can live off savings, investments, etc. It is worse if the account blows empty because the investment turned out to be unsuccessful.
One of the ways is to invest in yourself (a 21st century employee is a knowledge worker, being a carrier of capital, not work) and thus increase your attractiveness on the market and build your own business generating passive income.
MLM companies
Sounds good, but for many of us, in practice, building a thriving business from scratch is difficult to achieve. What remains is franchise and MLM. That is, buying a ready-made business idea or paying an entry fee and starting within a specific organization. You do not have to be a super leader. In most MLM companies the organization of a sales network with a turnover generating revenue of about 25o Euro per month is within the scope of most of us. Such an amount is an addition to your basic salary, as well as money that you will spend on basic payments.
The first years of cooperation with the multi-level marketing company usually consist of a huge commitment to the development of sales groups, on the one hand, and trust in the company, on the other. Trust that the work and time put into turnover growth will be rewarded according to the marketing plan and that the best performers will become partners of the company in the long term.
Or maybe the people, leaders and culture of the group in which you intend to work are more important?
The choice is yours.
Will building an additional source of income based on the MLM company require additional effort, time, additional training, commitment?
Is it really necessary?
Yes, because times are difficult and real commitment counts even more today. So if any of your friends asks if you are “playing a little” direct selling, calmly answer: Yes.
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