Getting into dirts, becoming a citizen. Interview with Dino Nedelko
Different countries, different continents, different experiences and different stories. A lot of differences and a few things in common. But look at the ones in common! Young age, love for network marketing, above average skills, creating personal brand and...
Read moreMLM stories. Master of communication
In John Doe's mind a typical Master of Communication is a person who can speak fluently and entertainingly on any topic. In other words - someone who is colloquially described as "smooth operator". How much truth is in this...
Read moreMLM stories. Charismatic leader and his role in business
Experiencing once with psychedelic substances Steve Jobs or joining the brigade of his workers John Davison Rockefeller, are two of many examples of original and extraordinary businessmen. Each of them was also a charismatic leader. But what is charisma...
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