What motivates you to act in Network Marketing – inspiration or desperation? If this is the first, then you do not put pressure on yourself to achieve success and work is for you fun, discovering new things, passionate achievement of goals. If what motivates you is desperation, your business is a struggle, a constant struggle.
Where there is a fight, there is also a competition. In life, in business, in multi-level marketing. With myself, as a desire to prove something, and above all with other people. Fighting requires a lot of resources. At some point, fatigue comes. It presupposes the existence of someone or something that opposes us, which must be weakened or destroyed. This attitude negatively translates into interpersonal relationships, not only with the people with whom you are fighting. This is not desirable in business, where the basic thing is good contact with people. Business is done with people who are liked and valued. Unfortunately, sometimes business talks turn into a struggle with the customer, which at some point acquires the characteristics of fighting. Then the transaction does not take place.
Where does the fight come from?
Out of fear. He breeds aggression, which manifests itself through struggle. There are many causes of anxiety. However, it always comes down to a lack of: security, money, recognition, independence, freedom, etc. The fight assumes that they are winners and losers. The strongest wins. The one who can better push himself up and advance at the expense of others. Darwin’s theory works. The best can adapt. What does the best mean? Formerly they were the strongest physically, able to run the fastest, able to hunt for prey. You don’t have to chase animals today. It’s in a butcher’s shop. Today, the subject of struggle and competition are money for which you can buy food in this store. Does everyone have to fight? The ones who fight have low self-esteem, afraid to lose money, even if they have a lot of them, having complexes and most importantly in the context of money, a sense of their lack. The latter, as it usually happens, is the result of negative beliefs inherent in the subconscious.
While studying at the University of Economics, the professor at a lecture on microeconomics said that the availability of material goods is limited. We observe it every day. Is it really the case? It depends on the observation of the observer, on what he focuses on. “Those who have little will be taken from them. Those who have a lot will be added to them “- this is a quote from the Bible. This is also the law of attraction. Focusing on abundance creates a sense of abundance in consciousness. It attracts real, tangible abundance in life. What you focus on, you strengthen. Simple. Why doesn’t it always work? It always works – the same thoughts cause the same effects, they still create the same reality. New, higher quality thoughts, attitudes, beliefs create positive changes in life, business, network marketing and MLM.
Good inspiration for network marketing
The process of changing thoughts depends on the ability to focus attention, positive attitude, change of internal beliefs, as well as other factors. The most important of them, one of the biggest development retarders, is fear. Working on these things is nothing but personal development and creating your personal brand in a long term. It is often a job for many years. It is even said that it is a lifelong process. Although, of course, progress can be very fast. Books have good inspiration. Some read one book many times, I prefer to read, usually only once, many books on a given topic. My favorite topic is of course network marketing. In a given topic, e.g. about the law of attraction, they are all about the same, but another author always treats different issues differently, which gives a chance that the given thing will finally be understood. In my opinion, however, the best solution is to use the help and experience of coaches and trainers who have transferred knowledge supported by their own experience. You can’t talk to the book, ask it, it doesn’t see our mistakes. Men can do it.
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