How Napoleon Hill’s Success Formula Corresponds to the Human Hand

“The starting point of all achievement is desire. The finishing point is that brand of knowledge which leads to understanding of self, understanding of others, understanding of the laws of nature, recognition and understanding of happiness.” – Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich.

Over the last two months I’ve been listening to a series of audio books by Napoleon Hill who spent 20 years of his life studying very successful people in order to write a simple formula for success.

There are 15 lessons to the law of success according to Hill, as well as other crucial elements that he taught. I have deeply pondered the required ingredients for success and how they directly coincide to particular areas in the hand. To that end, I created Your Map to Success is in Your Hands (below). 

These characteristics of success correlate to the location on the hand where you see them listed in the map above and in the table below. As a Hand Analyst I look to these areas when assessing the hand to help a person achieve higher levels of success based on the individual’s desire and special talents stamped into his or her hands.

A consolidated version of Hill’s lessons can be found on Wikipedia. Here they are by title associated to specific areas of the hand:


Hill’s other key characteristics for success:

Hill states, “Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power (useful) only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end.”

Each of these areas in the hands related to the success variables can be strong or weak.

For example, a strong well-developed Venus Zone indicates charm, warmth and desire to connect with others through a pleasing personality. If the Venus Zone is weak the owner might be over working, over indulging or have an ice-cold personality. To be successful we must become conscious of our shortcomings and get guidance for strengthening those particular areas.

Did you know the word education is derived from the Latin word “educo,” meaning to educe, to draw out, to develop from within?

Your hands offer an extremely reliable map to develop from within. You can learn so much about yourself by understanding what’s in your own two hands!

While it’s true, as Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” I’ve seen how extremely difficult it is for people to ‘conceive’ with massive mental obstacles blocking their path to success. These obstacles are clearly marked in the hands. They are sure signs calling for attention saying, pay attention to ‘this’. Get tools for resolution. You can do it!

To discover how success is mapped in your hands have your hands read by a professional, non-predictive scientific hand analyst. (Reply and I can refer you to some high-quality certified hand readers). Or learn the art and science of hand analysis with me or associate faculty teacher Linda Salazar. Readings and classes are given virtually. Click training to find out more about learning with us.